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26. Feb. 2022
Es gab eine Zeit, da waren Plattensammlungen politische Bildung.

18. Mai 2020
King's Card Game: Basic Information
You are interested in a King’s Card Game as a participant or as an organizer?

9. Jan. 2020
The King’s Card Game: From Experiment to Way of Living
Dear Friends and Spectators, below you find our humble translation of an early attempt at an introduction to our collectively written and...

12. Dez. 2019
An Example of a Paradogmatic Fallacy
Watch this video first before reading any further. So, what did you see, and why do you think we posted it here? Here's why: We' like to...

29. Okt. 2019
New texts available
Hello friends, we have updated our "About"-Section for you. You may find some quite interesting stuff there around the Essay, the project...

16. Okt. 2019
Alienation, or: how we ruin things
There was an important job to be done and Everyone was asked to do it. Everyone was sure Someone would do it. Anyone could have done it,...

22. Sept. 2019
We are currently working on an English translation of our book THE GURUPARADOX We have managed to present you with our SYNOPIS HERE...

7. Sept. 2019
Hey folks! Our book "The Guruparadox" will be published in German in October this year. We're currently working on an English...

25. Juni 2019
What is the Sound of One Hand Clapping?
After years of intense research, deepest meditations, channelling higher forces, raving LSD-Parties, various free-sex-seminars as well as...

6. Juni 2019
Still Kicking!
"I'm already eating from that trashcan ... It is that, when we think we can escape it, at that point we are effectively within Ideology."...

18. Mai 2018
A Book’s Review: „The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists“
I like to introduce you here to a highly recommended read. Its up-to-dateness is truly stunning. “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists”...

10. Apr. 2018
King's Card Game - Nature-Community (Minimalistic Report)
Dear folks! From the 5.-8.4. we played King's Card Game in the Nature Community in Bavaria. We had been able to anticipate that a game...

4. März 2018
4 Days King's Card Game Intensive
One of our biggest wishes for this year is becoming true: We have been invited by a community to play King's Card Game during their...

22. Feb. 2018
The Guruparadox: Book completed!
Hey all! Als of today we are proud owners of a pre-print of our book. In case you speak German, or know anybody German-speaking who might...

13. Sept. 2017
Final Spurt | Endspurt
Read our NEWSLETTER here!

9. Juli 2017
Arrived in Bavaria.
Dear Evolutioners! We're happy to announce that we found a writing-oasis, the nature community in bavaria. We were invited there as a...

24. Juni 2017
Hey! When our rental contract here in Leipzig is finished, we'll first travel south to meet an interesting community to exchange...

20. Mai 2017
Love and Romance Addiction
What helps is a shift in perspectives. Dear friends, this is another little titbit of the book we're writing here at Creative.Co-housing...

19. Mai 2017
News from NEXT.STEP
We are planning NEXT.STEP - and now we need your help! ... You know a place where there is space for 15-20 people (to sleep on mattresses...

16. Mai 2017
Three Visitors & the King's Card Game
Dear friends and supporters of the project! 'Basically', until yesterday we had thought this entry to be but a simple 'Hello' from us:...
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