Hey all!
Als of today we are proud owners of a pre-print of our book.
In case you speak German, or know anybody German-speaking who might be interested, here's how you can order a copy of this limited edition.
Only thirteen pieces left, and no reprint intended as we're confident finding a publisher.
In our blog you may find some excerpts of various draft chapters, just flick through.
In the about-section there is some more written stuff for you.
Texts have advanced since then, translations are crude anyway. We give you a peak into our exciting process of writing rather than a proper glance at the book.

In case we really get around to render a full translation of the book, which mainly depends on whether we find a location that hosts us and where we'd actually like to be for two to three month of dense working, we promise an English pre-release just the way the German now has been made available.
Other than that, we doubt we'll manage to update the website as we're actually struggling with a lot of issues that rank before that rather libidunous challenge ...
After all, we're still inside the system, aren't we?
Please also note our offers for support of communities and teams. We'd love to come to you and serve you!
Till then
The socionauts