press comments.
"The Guru Paradox is a revolution of thought. A paradigm shift, with the help of which good intentions become identifiable as vanities and actual behaviour becomes comprehensible".
So far press commentaries are referring to the German edition.
We are currently looking for an English publisher.
"One of the most important books of recent years."
"A grassroots project that looks beyond the average horizon and presents a lived practice combined with actual science that hopefully will attract attention".
"The Guru Paradox is an eye opener. The arc that is drawn from in depth criticism of capitalism, via addiction self-help, to group dynamics and the problem of hierarchy, delights the theorist's heart, while the reports of experiences and the practical part at the end are helpful for all those who want to dive into action."
“If you are also looking for a way out of our psycho-social dilemma and the social questions of the 21st century, this book is warmly recommended.”