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6. Mai 2017
Today Creative Co-Housing has started. We may occasionally publish fragments of what we write, obviously when we think they're...

25. Apr. 2017
During the 3-Month-Experiment we have worked a lot with the topic of addiction in the definition we've reached at thus far. To summarize...

19. Apr. 2017
Conscious Evolution has been at work for you. Find what Newzletter we've patched for you here.

17. Apr. 2017
3M-Experiment. A short Review
I have been one of the participants of the three-month-experiment. As this time has been really insightful and surprising to me, I want...

28. März 2017
Further and Beyond #3
Hey all! Here some impressions from the interior of the experiment. To summarize the experiment so far, we'd have to write another book,...

11. März 2017
On our Path #2
"Many … seem to be in a state of … depressive hedonia … an inability to do anything else except pursue pleasure. There is a sense of...
17. Feb. 2017
Network Expansion
" Consensus ... hundreds of groups are attempting to use this process. All of them are failing for reasons you so aptly describe in your...

10. Feb. 2017
"Psychology applied only to the individual is necessarily reactionary, for it does not include the social context." "The decolonisation...

24. Jan. 2017
News #1
Hello dear potential and practical Socionauts! We currently already entered the second round of the game. Here some updates from our...

16. Jan. 2017
We Took The Leap!
The Socionauts arrived at base camp! contact us via

10. Jan. 2017
Place is FOUND
Hey Peoplez! We did the almost impossible and found two places which are actually both suitable. We have made a decision and will move to...

2. Jan. 2017
Looking for the Place between
People! There's news we want to share. We are still looking for a place for the experiment and all support in that direction is very much...
14. Nov. 2016
We thought it all over and through, until our brains whirled and merged ... This is what we have to offer, a powerful and reliable frame...
14. Nov. 2016
'Addy the Addict' is online!
Happy to tell you I've made my first video for you, in which I play out my addicted structure... (Which is just a 'good example' for all...
2. Nov. 2016
New Stuff online
Hey Folks! We've put some more vids you might find interesting ... ! (And do check for updates, Jakob's up to something, we believe.) AND...
15. Okt. 2016
Invitation for the 3-Day-November-Meeting
Requirements: * You need to have read „The Essay“ and agree to work under the research hypothesis it proposes >>> To summarize what...
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